
To educate, to encourage and to empower. Creating self-sufficiency one individual at a time.


To be a full-service community resource center for Oakland, CA and surrounding area residents, by expanding the services we currently offer and offering those services across more geographical areas.

GHRC Programs

The Utilities Program

With the Utilities Program, GHRC is educating individuals and families on how to manage their energy bills and reduce their energy costs, reduce costs for their water usage, and how seniors and disabled individuals can have special trash removal services. We educate on the different programs offered (CARE/FERA, ESA, Rate Choices, Medical Baseline, EBMUD Cap, and WM Removal Services) and help set up home energy inspections. We have an initial goal of reaching 1,000 individuals and families by the end of 2023. 

Community Wellness: Food Pantry & Neighborhood Cleanup

The Food Pantry started in 2017 by delivering food every Saturday to the homeless encampment on 22nd Avenue and East 12th in Oakland, CA. We have since grown to help six other organizations and countless individuals and families throughout the Bay Area to obtain quality food. Our pantry distributes food to anyone in need. With the high cost of living, there are those that work full-time jobs and still don’t have enough money for food and/or shelter, and college students are equally struggling to survive.

The Community Wellness Neighborhood Cleanup project launched in 2019 with the focus of assisting in removing litter from roadsides and neighborhoods located in Oakland (District 7). GHRC has partnered with AB&I Foundry and Argent Materials, Inc. to help provide the supplies and means to recruit volunteers to help with the monthly clean-up projects. 


Financial education is vital to the foundation of self-sufficiency. GHRC holds virtual financial education classes for anyone in the community that needs to learn more about how to properly handle their money, how to strengthen their credit score by using credit wisely, banking, budgeting expenses, saving for purchases, and more.

2023 Virtual Zoom Class Schedule (Click the picture below to visit Eventbrite and register)

Register for the upcoming free virtual workshop. Click the picture below for event registration. 

Upcoming Workshop Registration (Click the picture below)

Financial Education 101

In September's session, you'll learn the following: Homeownership, insurance basics, and banking basics 

Financial Education 101

In October's session, you'll learn the following: Homeownership, insurance basics, and banking basics 

GHRC Scholarship Fund 

Education is an imperative part of society and it’s so unfortunate that there are many young adults of all backgrounds and ethnicities who struggle to pay for college and trade school. 

Students are able to accomplish their dreams by covering some of their educational costs and obtaining help with resources and applying for GHRC's scholarships. The scholarship application for Spring 2023 will be  open in March 2023.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/GHRCScholarship2023

Email us for more information. 

Job Resources & Referral Program (Coming)

Having sustainable and quality employment will always be a necessity in life. GHRC has a desire to help provide assistance and educational resources and services to people who are seeking employment.

The program seeks to help individuals in the following areas: